Liposuction Surgery — Know the Treatment Methods and How to Find the Right one

Munaf Majumdar
5 min readDec 14, 2021

Liposuction is a process that removes the excess of fat stored in specified parts of the body. The process uses suction technology to remove these deposits through surgery. It can be done for the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, buttocks and neck. The process is also called body contouring and lipoplasty.

Liposuction is not a way to shed those unwanted pounds from your body. It just removes the reserves of fats from the above-mentioned parts. If you want to attain weight loss, a procedure like gastric bypass is the one for you.

Type of liposuction surgeries

There are six main types of liposuction surgeries:

Tumescent liposuction

Known also as a fluid injection, this is the most preferred among the various options available here. Your surgeon injects a large amount of medicated fluid into the area that requires fat removal. The fluid being injected combines lidocaine (a local anaesthetic), epinephrine (a solution that contracts blood vessels) and an intravenous salt solution. Lidocaine keeps the area numb all through the procedure and for a while afterwards. Epinephrine minimizes the loss of blood and bruising. The salt solution makes fat removal a breeze. Your surgeon suctions this fluid along with the fat. This technique of liposuction requires more time than the others of the kind.

Super-wet liposuction

This type of liposuction works almost similar to the tumescent procedure. The only difference is the amount of anaesthetic fluid injected into the body. Here, the surgeon does not have to wait for swelling. This offers the same benefits as tumescent liposuction. They include:

  • Minimal loss of blood
  • Minimal bruising
  • Less post-operative pain

Patients can take up low-intense physical activities immediately after the surgery. Your body will need a few days to recover because of the incision. It has to be protected using bandages and other mechanisms. Even then, the time required to recover from this type of liposuction is much less than its traditional variant.

Laser-assisted liposuction

During this process of liposuction, your surgeon inserts a small tube with fibre-optic of microns in diameter in it. This fibre delivers energy LASER rays to the targeted reserve of fat. The doctor sees the targeted deposit of fat through a LASER-guided light through your skin. The process breaks the semi-liquid membranes of fat and blends them. This makes it easier to remove fat. If the reserve is quite small, the body metabolizes it on its own. The heat the treatment generates helps the body to restructure collagen, boosts the flow of blood to the region and increases skin elasticity. This helps tissues to contract in the affected area. This type of liposuction is a virtually non-invasive procedure with minimal aesthetic damages. It also offers numerous post-surgery benefits for the doctor and the patient. It is:

  • Virtually non-invasive
  • Treats the reserve of fat on the face and small areas of the body
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Minimal pain and other complications
  • It requires only local anaesthesia
  • Minimal trauma to the tissues
  • Improved tightening of the skin

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

UAL uses ultrasounds to loosen and dissolve the deposit of fat in a targeted area. This also offers skin tightening to a certain extent for added benefit.

The process is a minor surgery with up to ten days of recovery time. And it is ideal for almost all areas of the body where fat gets generally gets deposited.

This process of liposuction is not ideal for an obese person or someone with poor skin elasticity.

Suction-assisted liposuction

This, as the name suggests, uses suction technology to get rid of the deposit of fat in a specified area of the body. The process is ideal for almost all people.

Power-assisted liposuction

This is the type of liposuction you need if you have large volumes of fat to get rid of. Your surgeon uses a vibrating cannula. It breaks up the fat and makes it easier to eliminate. The feature that sets it above the others is the fast removal of fat with minimal complications. The extra equipment required to perform this liposuction may make it a bit expensive. It may even add up to the recovery time.

Preparing for the process and recovery

Preparing for liposuction is almost the same as getting ready for any other surgical procedure. You will have to undergo a complete body check-up, quit smoking for a while and adjust or stop certain medications. Ask your surgeon if you are required to do anything else. It may depend on the type of liposuction you prefer.

The time required for recovery too may vary based on the procedure you choose. Whatever is your choice, see to it that you have someone to be with you at least for a few days after the process.

You will have a plastic band tied tight on the affected area. This minimizes swelling and infection. The extra drains you may have drain out excess fluid or blood, if there is any.

It might take some months for the swelling to completely heal.

Choosing the right liposuction technique for you

There is no specific method for choosing the right kind of liposuction for an individual. The factors that deserve are the volume of fat and the area of the body that requires the surgery. Your bodyweight and your physical condition too will influence your surgeon’s decision in this regard.

Do your own in-depth homework in this regard and ask all your questions during your first consultation. A discussion with the surgeon will help make an informed decision in this matter.

You should also see that you are approaching a certified and well-experienced surgeon for the process.

Working out prevents the formation of excess fat in the body. But it is for those who are habituated to exercising. Even if you go for it, the path to the body contour you want is a long and winding one. Liposuction makes it possible within hours!

